3D Ultrasound 101: Is It Safe for Babies?

Since its emergence, 3D ultrasound has revolutionized prenatal care in this generation and has become the most rapidly evolving technique in fetal imaging. With its cutting-edge, high-definition capabilities, 3D ultrasound has become a godsend to many parents-to-be wanting to get a crisp, clear, and sharp glimpse of their unborn baby – allowing them to have a truly memorable bonding experience long before the birth of their child.

However, 3D ultrasound, just like its traditional counterpart, involves the use of heat which – although is not considered a true risk – has caused many parents to have concerns about the safety of the procedure. So, is 3D ultrasound safe for babies? Let’s find out below.

How Does 3D Ultrasound Work?

As mentioned, like its two-dimensional counterpart, 3D ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves (which produce heat), and special imaging software to generate images of your baby’s soft tissues, organs, and other structures. However, the major drawing card of 3D ultrasound is that, because of its vastly improved technology, it gives a very realistic, photo-like imaging quality.

A 3D ultrasound is performed like any other type of ultrasound. First, your doctor or the imaging staff rubs gel on your belly and then moves a transducer across the area. The transducer emits sound waves toward your uterus and your baby inside it. The sound waves then bounce off of the fetus and are then captured by the transducer, which creates an image on a computer screen. The transducer is positioned at different angles to create three-dimensional images.

The ALARA Principle

Despite the inherent risks of ultrasounds, there is no scientific evidence that precisely indicates they are harmful to mothers or their developing babies. In addition, all qualified and trained medical imaging personnel abide by the guiding principle of radiation safety (as low as reasonably achievable ALARA principle), which entails that they limit the examination time and maintain the lowest power settings needed to obtain the necessary information.

Nonetheless, according to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), because ultrasounds use heat, it is best to err on the side of caution. The FDA recommends that ultrasounds should only be done based on a prescription when there is a medical necessity, and performed by appropriately trained medical imaging personnel.

3D Ultrasound Facility in The Bronx, NY

If you’re in search of a reputable 3D ultrasound facility in The Bronx, New York area, look no further than Starling Diagnostics. Our team includes board-certified women’s health experts and highly trained radiologists who are deeply committed to delivering only the best patient experience. You can trust us to take all necessary measures to ensure your safety and that of your unborn baby, so you can focus on one thing: enjoying every moment of your bonding experience.

To schedule your 3D ultrasound appointment, call us today at (718) 319-1610. You may also fill out our convenient appointment request form. We’re eager to serve you!

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