What Is Plain Chest Radiology?

Plain chest radiology is the process of taking and evaluating a chest X-ray.One of the most long-standing and reliable assessment tools for the heart, lungs, mediastinum, chest wall, and upper abdomen, the plain chest radiograph yields information for a wide range of diagnostic needs.

Let’s learn more about plain chest radiology and where you can get it in The Bronx.

Benefits of Chest X-rays

A plain chest X-ray uses electromagnetic radiation to capture the black and white images of the interior of the body. Today’s X-rays of all types and views are digitally enhanced and emit far less radiation than old-fashioned traditional X-rays. Plus, they are stored and transmitted from provider to provider electronically, adding convenience and speed to the diagnostic process.

Specifically, chest X-rays take clear and detailed pictures of the anatomic structure and organs of the chest cavity, including these structures:

  • Sternum
  • Ribs
  • Collarbone
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Major blood vessels, such as the aorta
  • Chest wall
  • Upper abdomen

With these images, radiologists and other medical professionals can assess and diagnose structural abnormalities, injuries (such as rib fractures), heart and blood vessel defects, tumors, and acute disease processes, such as pneumonia. Combined with other diagnostic assessments, X-rays help doctors plan treatments, including placement of cardiac stents and chest tubes, reconstructive surgeries, guided injection therapy, and more.

Chest X-ray Procedure

There is no fasting or other special preparation required for a plain chest X-ray.  However, you should avoid X-rays whenever possible if you are pregnant or think you may be.

In the exam room, you will need to put on a patient gown and remove your upper garments and jewellery. You may don a lead apron to shield the rest of your body from radiation.

The technician will position you under or in front of the X-ray apparatus and ask you to remain still and hold your breath while the images are taken. You may have to do this more than once depending on the number of views the doctor has ordered.

Plain chest radiographs are simple, very detailed, and painless.They take just a few minutes, and patients experience no adverse effects or downtime afterward. Since today’s X-rays are digital, results are immediately available to the radiologist and can be shared rapidly between providers. This accelerates treatment planning and gives patients the answers they want sooner.

Radiology Assessments in The Bronx

At Starling Diagnostics, we offer top notch imaging assessments, including chest X-rays, mammograms, CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and more. Our radiologists and technicians are board-certified and very experienced in the latest imaging tests. Our testing equipment is up-to-date and of the highest quality.

We are pleased to deliver the most comprehensive primary care in the Bronx area. We see patients of all ages, delivering many medical subspecialty treatments, including managing chronic health conditions.

To find out more about our radiology department and X-ray capabilities, call us today at (718) 319-1610. You also may obtain a visit online by completing our appointment request form.

Patient Education

Want to learn more about radiology and the conditions we diagnose? Check out our in-depth, A-to-Z Patient Education Library.
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